What does it mean to be ‘critical’ of tourism?


Departures by Jan Vašek (CC0). Pointing fingers by Gordon Johnson (CC0). Both via Pixabay.

Some “GT” readers are critical of tourism, particularly ‘mass tourism’. Some in the universities see themselves as part of a ‘Critical Tourism Studies’ movement. But what does it mean to be ‘critical’ in relation to modern tourism?

It’s a “Good Tourism” Insight Bites question.

Your correspondent put the question to the travel & tourism stakeholders in the “GT” network, inviting responses of no more than 300 words. (You too can join the “GT” network. Register.)

Thanks to the 18 professors, professionals, and practitioners who took the time to share their thoughts. Their answers appear in the order received.

(Click/touch an item on the Bites menu to go straight to it.)

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The "Good Tourism" & "GT" Travel blogs
The "Good Tourism" & "GT" Travel blogs

Written by The "Good Tourism" & "GT" Travel blogs

Industry insights, informed inspiration, and top tips for travellers from travel & tourism insiders ... It's everyone's business.

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