Good news in travel & tourism December 2021
Merry Christmas if you celebrate it. Be merry if you don’t. And have a brilliant 2022!
“Good news in travel & tourism” wraps up a month of “Good Tourism” & “GT” Travel news, insights, tips, and advice.
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“GT” Insights: Informed perspectives on the industry
The “Good Tourism” Blog publishes informed opinions on the issues facing our industry, everyone’s business. “GT” Insights are diverse perspectives written by, for, and about the travel & tourism sector. Here are the latest from the month that was:
Winning from within: How can travel & tourism stem the brain drain?
Travel & tourism is everyone’s business. It’s all about people. How do we keep people allied and inspired in organisations, destinations, and host communities? K Michael Haywood tackles this problem in his third “Good Tourism” Insight: “Winning from within: How can travel & tourism stem the brain drain?”
Stronger together: Tourism training partnerships help prevent child exploitation
The sexual exploitation of children by those who use the services of the travel & tourism industry is a difficult subject to acknowledge let alone discuss. This is why trainers and educators should prepare future frontline workers to look out for and report signs of the crime, according to Bronwen Maher, Sophie Hartman, Nguyễn Thị Thu Thảo, and Võ Thị Quế Chi. They combine to write: “Stronger together: Tourism training partnerships help prevent child exploitation”.